Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Let the conceiving begin!

My wife and I have officially started the baby making process. It has taken some time for us to come to the realization that we wanted to do this and considering that the older we get, the less time we have to make a decision we decided it's now or never. Before the baby making process could start we wanted to make sure that we got married first. On March 10th of this year (yes only two weeks ago) we signed on the dotted line and became Mrs. and Mrs. in a beautiful ceremony in SoHo NY. Yay! As soon we returned from our trip we got right down to business.

I should probably mention that we technically started the process before the wedding. We had our first appointment on March 5 at IVF of South Florida. My wife took some tests, we got all the paperwork and met the doctor that will be working with us. So we are actually into week two of the process.
My wife (we'll call her S) got her blood work done last Friday and just yesterday got her pelvic ultrasound. This was the first appointment that I was unable to attend with her but she said that the technician gave her a glowing report. S was informed years ago that she has polycystic ovaries. Women with polycystic ovaries can have POCS (polycystic ovary syndrome) but that's not usually the case. It's best that you have an ultrasound done and speak with your doctor to determine if you have the syndrome or just cysts. The technician looked at S's ovaries and as it turns out she does not have polycystic ovaries (see why it's good to get an ultrasound). Whew! So that's one less thing that we have to worry about.

Thursday is our next appointment to get the Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) done and S is not looking forward to the procedure. Apparently it can be painful but fortunately I will be there with her to give her emotional and moral support. We've already told some family members that we've started the process and our 11 year-old daughter is the most excited out of everyone. Since this time is very emotional and a bit scary I wanted to be able to voice my excitement, concern, fear and overall joy with others who may be going through or who have already gone through this process.

So if you happen to be reading this blog please feel free to comment, chat and laugh with me as we go on this journey.